Sunday, November 7, 2010

They Go Together Like Water and Oil

This photo shoot is not suitable for sensitive viewers. That is what I personally think. Vogue went too far; I am all for controversy but this was a very sensitive issue. The shoot could have been slightly different...less “in your face”. I mean I love the clothes in the shoot and they look stunning. That still does not take away from what I think about this photo shoot.”- The Drama queen.

“Well I think it has a sense of unresolved issues...It’s beautiful. I like how Vogue took the time to make this beautiful shoot. I do not know why Miss Drama queen does not understand this photo shoot... This shows the rest of the world that the fashion industry does care about environmental issues and Vogue did a wonderful job in displaying this.”- The Diva

“I think it isn’t beautiful, I think it’s sad...  If anything I think it represents anti-life. Fashion is an industry, clothing is a fundamental need. I also think Italian Vogue didn’t need to shoot that spread, I don’t think that it would have benefited them in a suitable way. I also think that for people to accuse Vogue of making light of the issue of the oil spread is just testament how ignorant the masses are. I think the only true beauty in this is that knowing that Vogue did its bid for society, they reached a broader audience and maybe even helped many of the rescuers.”- The Lover

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