Sunday, November 7, 2010

Calvin Klein 2011 Spring Collection

One Season Ago, in the magical land of fashion, Architectural Style met Minimalistic Elegance and despite everyone’s objections, they fell in love. They had a baby, the baby’s name was “The Summer/Spring 2011 Calvin Klein Collection”, and everybody loved him!
This collection by Calvin Klein truly was like an enactment of a fairy tale, in a land where fairies, phoenix’s and griffins exist, well, in this case not so much mythical creatures as much as drawstrings, buttons and oversized pockets. Thank you to Calvin Klein for reminding the best of us not to bother just being better than our contemporaries or our predecessors, to try being better than ourselves.

The large dresses were so well engineered they were never once suspect of frumpiness, no, the dresses spoke of nothing but the simple best, and simplicity was the order of the day. Well proportioned works of art, sculpted (in our opinion) by an artist. The colours paired well with the silhouettes that were tailored, clean and sleek, the corals, charcoals, and blues, pearly and off whites gave this array of clothing that je ne sais quoi.
All that’s left to say that we truly haven’t said is “Brava!”

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