Sunday, November 7, 2010

They Go Together Like Water and Oil

This photo shoot is not suitable for sensitive viewers. That is what I personally think. Vogue went too far; I am all for controversy but this was a very sensitive issue. The shoot could have been slightly different...less “in your face”. I mean I love the clothes in the shoot and they look stunning. That still does not take away from what I think about this photo shoot.”- The Drama queen.

“Well I think it has a sense of unresolved issues...It’s beautiful. I like how Vogue took the time to make this beautiful shoot. I do not know why Miss Drama queen does not understand this photo shoot... This shows the rest of the world that the fashion industry does care about environmental issues and Vogue did a wonderful job in displaying this.”- The Diva

“I think it isn’t beautiful, I think it’s sad...  If anything I think it represents anti-life. Fashion is an industry, clothing is a fundamental need. I also think Italian Vogue didn’t need to shoot that spread, I don’t think that it would have benefited them in a suitable way. I also think that for people to accuse Vogue of making light of the issue of the oil spread is just testament how ignorant the masses are. I think the only true beauty in this is that knowing that Vogue did its bid for society, they reached a broader audience and maybe even helped many of the rescuers.”- The Lover

Calvin Klein 2011 Spring Collection

One Season Ago, in the magical land of fashion, Architectural Style met Minimalistic Elegance and despite everyone’s objections, they fell in love. They had a baby, the baby’s name was “The Summer/Spring 2011 Calvin Klein Collection”, and everybody loved him!
This collection by Calvin Klein truly was like an enactment of a fairy tale, in a land where fairies, phoenix’s and griffins exist, well, in this case not so much mythical creatures as much as drawstrings, buttons and oversized pockets. Thank you to Calvin Klein for reminding the best of us not to bother just being better than our contemporaries or our predecessors, to try being better than ourselves.

The large dresses were so well engineered they were never once suspect of frumpiness, no, the dresses spoke of nothing but the simple best, and simplicity was the order of the day. Well proportioned works of art, sculpted (in our opinion) by an artist. The colours paired well with the silhouettes that were tailored, clean and sleek, the corals, charcoals, and blues, pearly and off whites gave this array of clothing that je ne sais quoi.
All that’s left to say that we truly haven’t said is “Brava!”

Law Abiding Citizen

Location: TUKS Campus
Date: November

On the way to her Law exam we stopped to this sexy stunner and took a few photos. She later told me she got a great mark and she thinks it was partly because of us complimenting her, we agree! This a law abiding citizen and what law she abides by is Fashion!
Loving the off the shoulder sling!

The Urban Girl

Location: Hatfield Square
Date: October 2010

This young store clerk who works at Urban knows exactly what she wants. Tlogi, the aspiring model who won't let her D-cups get in her way... No, seriously, those things have a tendancy of getting in the way! "Damn, Tlog, wish I had that rack" our rather honest Drama queen says, funny thing is, she's not kdding.
We love her waffers though, following in her icon's footsteps Kanye West. Two thumbs up...

Loxion Culture

Location: Ackerville, Witbank
Date: September

We saw these boys a while back and felt we just had to put them in here! ”You know you gotta love them Chuck Taylors, pushing that Loxion Culture swag” so says the Drama queen. We found these fine young specimens on the streets of Ackerville.”I like these boys, especially the one on the right...he kinda cute” the Diva just had to comment.

Swagger... Whatever that is

Location: On the way to The Wall
Date: September 2010
According to the Urban Dictionary, Swagger

"He cute!" Once again, the Lover goes COMPLETELY off topic, but that is why we adore her. Therefore, while walking to The Wall, Hatfield, we asked this beauty to stop and pose for a picture and asked him what he thought of style and fashion "It's all about swagger yo!" "He should burn that hat though" and again the Diva must have her say. Swagger: Confidence and Poise. Belief in one’s self and in ones abilities... in the wise word of Kanye West: “You better check our swag and get up to date”

Concrete Jungle- Jozi

Location: Hector Peterson Monument
Date: October 2010

The city of individuality brings us yet another fashion stunner, of course, it's not the best we've seen, so says the Drama queen "Well, it's not exactly great, but, whatever right?" and the Diva got's to have her say "Fierce heels, they’re not anything like mine, but they come a close 2nd"... Her way of complimenting the outfit.